CSLocationSensor Class Reference

Inherits from CSSensor : NSObject
Declared in CSLocationSensor.h


  • Sensor for storing location updates. Every time a new update comes in, it is stored. The rate with which updates come in is up to iOS.

Note that when the cortex auto pausing feature is enabled updates are limited to once every three minutes.

JSON output value format

     "longitude": FLOAT;
     "latitude": FLOAT;
     "altitude": FLOAT;
     "accuracy": FLOAT;
     "vertical accuracy:" FLOAT;
     "speed": FLOAT;

– storeLocation:withDesiredAccuracy:

Store a new location point in the location sensor. If the sensor is not enabled the point will not be stored.

- (BOOL)storeLocation:(CLLocation *)location withDesiredAccuracy:(int)desiredAccuracy



The location object to store


accuracy, used to check if the new point should be accepted or not

Return Value

returns whether the new location point was accepted. Note that if the sensor is not enabled the point will not be stored.

Declared In
