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AIMValue Member List

This is the complete list of members for AIMValue, including all inherited members.

AIMValue() (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
AIMValue(const int value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const bool value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const float value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const double value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const char *value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const std::string &value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const std::map< std::string, AIMValue > &value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const std::vector< AIMValue > &value)AIMValue
AIMValue(const AIMValue &other) (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
AIMValue_Type enum nameAIMValue
BOOL enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
DOUBLE enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
EMPTY enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
FLOAT enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
getBoolValue() const AIMValue
getDoubleValue() const AIMValue
getFloatValue() const AIMValue
getIntValue() const AIMValue
getMapValue() const AIMValue
getMapValue() (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
getStringValue() const AIMValue
getStringValue() (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
getType() const AIMValueinline
getTypeString() const AIMValue
getValue() const AIMValueinline
getVectorValue() const AIMValue
getVectorValue() (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
INT enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
isBool() const AIMValueinline
isDouble() const AIMValueinline
isEmpty() const AIMValueinline
isFloat() const AIMValueinline
isInt() const AIMValueinline
isMap() const AIMValueinline
isNumeric() const AIMValue
isString() const AIMValueinline
isVector() const AIMValueinline
MAP enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
operator bool() const AIMValueinline
operator double() const AIMValueinline
operator float() const AIMValueinline
operator int() const AIMValueinline
operator std::map< std::string, AIMValue > &()AIMValueinline
operator std::map< std::string, AIMValue > &() const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
operator std::string &()AIMValueinline
operator std::string &() const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
operator std::vector< AIMValue > &()AIMValueinline
operator std::vector< AIMValue > &() const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
operator<< (defined in AIMValue)AIMValuefriend
operator=(const AIMValue &rhs) (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
operator[](int index)AIMValueinline
operator[](int index) const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
operator[](const std::string &key)AIMValueinline
operator[](const std::string &key) const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
operator[](const char *key)AIMValueinline
operator[](const char *key) const (defined in AIMValue)AIMValueinline
STRING enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
toJSONValue() const AIMValue
VECTOR enum value (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue
~AIMValue() (defined in AIMValue)AIMValue