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Location Member List

This is the complete list of members for Location, including all inherited members.

addPosition(const PositionPoint &pos) (defined in Location)Location
getAccuracy() const (defined in Location)Locationinline
getAIMValue() (defined in Location)Locationinline
getCenterLatitude() const (defined in Location)Locationinline
getCenterLongitude() const (defined in Location)Locationinline
getIdentifier() (defined in Location)Locationinline
getLabel() const (defined in Location)Locationinline
Location() (defined in Location)Location
Location(AIMValue stored) (defined in Location)Location
Location(std::string id, double centerLatitude, double centerLongitude, double accuracy, double weightSum) (defined in Location)Location
setLabel(std::string newLabel) (defined in Location)Locationinline
~Location() (defined in Location)Locationvirtual