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Message Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Message:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithType:generationTime:triggerTime:taskType:coachType:taskStartTime:taskTarget:value:motivationId:adviceId:
(id) - initWithDictionary:
(void) - normalizeProperties
(BOOL) - isEqualToMessage:
(NSDictionary *) - toServerDictionary

Class Methods

(NSString *) + stringFromMessageStyle:
(MessageStyle) + messageStyleFromString:
(NSString *) + stringFromMessageType:
(MessageType) + messageTypeFromString:


MessageType type
MessageStyle style
NSDate * triggerTime
NSDate * generationTime
NSString * title
NSString * notificationText
NSString * fullText
TaskType taskType
CoachType coachType
NSDate * taskStartTime
id taskTarget
NSDictionary * value
long motivationId
long adviseId
NSDate * mutationDate
long long rowId

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